
Making affordable platelets at high quantities
Yukitaka ITO
Megakaryon Corporation

Megakaryon Corporation

Core technology research department

Yukitaka ITO


Megakaryon is using iPS cell technology to produce platelets. Following basic research done with academic partners, we are developing an iPS cell-based platelet product at low cost and high quantities for transfusions into patients.

Platelets are blood cells that stop bleeding.

A low platelet count for any reason makes it difficult to stop bleeding.

The most effective treatment is platelet transfusions, but all platelets used in these transfusions come from blood donations, which means demand will outstrip supply if blood donations are insufficient. Consider that the number of blood donors has decreased due to the recent outbreak of the new coronavirus.

In addition, the birthrate is declining, and the population is ageing, which also has the risk of low platelet supply even though effective treatments are available.

We are motivated by a strong desire to prevent such a future from happening.

Our research has faced many difficulties, but many colleagues have worked together to overcome them.

Still, I anticipate many more difficulties await us before we are to realize our dream.

By building strong relationships and having high ambitions, we can overcome all our challenges.

About the organization

Megakaryon is mass producing platelet products derived from human iPS cells and supplying them to medical facilities in regions where a shortage of platelet products is a serious concern.

Megakaryon Corporation