iPS Cell Stock Project
The iPS Cell Stock Project stocks allogeneic iPS cells that have already undergone extensive quality control to reduce time and costs compared to autologous transplants.
iPS Cell Stock
The iPS Cell Stock Project collects blood from donors and reprogram these blood cells into iPS cells for regenerative medicine purposes at the Facility for iPS Cell Therapy (FiT). These iPS cells undergo strict quality control and are stocked for clinical use, to be distributed upon request by academic research institutions and companies involved in the research and development of regenerative medicine using iPS cells both in Japan and overseas.
Ideally, autologous iPS cells will be used for the transplantation. To do so requires the patient's own cells, such as blood cells, to be reprogrammed to iPS cells and differentiated into the cell type needed for transplantation. From reprogramming to differentiation, each step of cell manipulation requires strict quality control.
However, the iPS Cell Stock Project uses allogeneic iPS cells instead, meaning that cells that have already passed quality control are available before they are demanded, thus saving time and cost compared to autologous transplants.
FiT:Facility for iPS Cell Therapy
FiT is responsible for manufacturing clinical-grade iPS cells to be distributed to institutes and organizations pursuing regenerative medicine. It is recognized as a Cell Processing Center based on the Japan Act on Securement of Safety of Regenerative Medicine (Facility number: FA5170003).
Cell therapies for clinical trials must meet high demands for safety and quality. In response, FiT facilities include state-of-the-art equipment in a clean, controlled environment under proper management according to GMP and GCTP regulations, and iPS cells for regenerative medicine are manufactured by trained staff.
FiT was since 2020 transferred from CiRA to the CiRA foundation as a public interest incorporated foundation.
Central monitoring room
Cell preservation tank
Next-generation DNA sequencer
Cell therapy isolator
Medium replacement
Analysis room