SOP for Purchases

We can provide the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that are used at FiT: procedures for operating a CPC facility, equipment procedures with maintenance and inspection instructions, and procedures for manufacturing methods and quality testing that have been optimized up by FiT staff over the years.

Available SOPs

The following SOPs are currently available for purchasing.

List of available SOPs

Format and Charges

Format Charges
PDF format with two weeks download period 150,000 yen per SOP
  • Secondary use or reproduction without permission is prohibited.
  • Our SOPs are intended for the purpose of developing regenerative medicine. Any other uses are prohibited. Please do not use the information for any purpose other than that stated in the application form.
  • If you are required to submit the SOPs to regulatory authorities for review, please contact us.


  1. Customer Application

    Please fill in the form below and send it by the following e-mail address.

    [Form1]Application for SOPs

    • Mail To: promotion-g*
      (Change * to @).
  2. CiRA_F Review

    Based on your application, we will confirm whether or not we can provide the SOPs.

  3. Customer Notification of results and download

    We will notify you of the review results and send you the URLs for download, if approved.

    • In principle, the download period is two weeks.
  4. CiRA_F Terms and Conditions

    Terms and Conditions

    • Secondary use or reproduction without permission is prohibited.
    • Use of our SOPs for any other purposes aside from the development of regenerative medicine is strictly prohibited. Please do not use the information for any purpose other than that stated in the application form.