Calls for "my iPS" collaborative research


Kyoto, Japan, 24 June 2020 - The CiRA Foundation (located in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto; Representative Director, Shinya Yamanaka) is conducting the my iPS cell project, which aims to manufacture, store, and provide autologous iPS cells as part of its iPS cell stock project for regenerative medicine. my iPS will make possible the production of iPS cells from one's own cells at low cost in a short period of time and to deliver regenerative medicine with low risk of immune reaction to the same person. By the time of Osaka Expo in March 2025, my iPS aims to manufacture iPS cells from 1,000 people per year for 1 million yen per person.

To advance my iPS, the Foundation is currently conducting collaborative research with Canon Inc. and Canon Medical Systems Corporation regarding this project*1 but is seeking more collaborators. Parties interested in the themes listed below are encouraged to contact us.

*1:Canon, Canon Medical and CiRA to commence joint research aimed at realizing high-quality autologous iPS cells

Research Themes

  1. Research on methods for collecting cells/tissues that can be used as raw materials for iPS cells (methods and materials that are less invasive than blood sampling and ensure sterility)
  2. iPS cell establishment (reprogramming) methods using low-molecular compounds
  3. Development of scaffold materials by chemical modifications of culture substrates and the development of growth media suitable for the scaffold materials
  4. Research and development related following government safety regulations for the production of autologous iPS cells
  5. Development of in vitro evaluation systems that can predict tumorigenesis and dysplasia without animal transplantation models
  6. Other research and development related to the commercialization of cells in my iPS


Planning Promotion Office,
CiRA Foundation (CiRA_F)
TEL: (+81) 75-761-3363
Email: promotion-g*
Please change * to @

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