Appointment of Shinya Yamanaka, Representative Director of CiRA Foundation, as the chair the Scientific Advisory Board of Orizuru Therapeutics Inc.


Kyoto, Japan, August 12, 2021 - Shinya Yamanaka, Representative Director of the CiRA Foundation, has been appointed chair of the Scientific Advisory Board ("SAB") of Orizuru Therapeutics, Inc. ("OZTx"), as of June 1, 2021.

OZTx is a research and development-driven company established by Kyoto University Innovation Capital Limited. It is utilizing the research results of the T-CiRA project, for which Representative Director Shinya Yamanaka has been the program director since 2015.

This appointment was approved after a rigorous examination by the Conflicts of Interest Management Committee of the Foundation, which includes external experts. Since both Representative Director Yamanaka personally and the Foundation have met all of the conditions imposed by the committee in order to avoid conflicts of interest with OZTx, the committee officially decided on his appointment on a very exceptional and time-limited basis, as detailed below.

  • Representative Director and SAB chair Yamanaka should not be involved in any decision-making on management strategy for transactions between the Foundation and OZTx.
  • The scope of the SAB chair's duties should be limited to providing advice on academic and scientific matters and exclude any elements related to commercialization.
  • The term of office as the SAB chair should be until either OZTx achieves its first-in-human clinical trial results or the company goes public.
  • He will not be involved in any advertising or promotional activities for OZTx unrelated to the SAB chair's main duties.

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